Birds aim to optimize resources for feeding young and self-maintenance by timing reproduction to coincide with peak food availability. When reproduction is mistimed, birds could incur costs that affect their survival. We studied whether nesting phenology correlated with the apparent survival of American kestrels (Falco sparverius) from two distinct populations and examined trends in clutch-initiation dates. We estimated apparent survival using multi-state mark-recapture models with nesting timing, nesting success, sex, age, and weather covariates. Nesting timing predicted the apparent survival of successful adults; however, the effect differed between populations. Early nesting kestrels had higher apparent survival than later nesters in the western population, where kestrels have a relatively long nesting season. At the eastern site, where kestrels have a relatively short nesting season, the pattern was reversed—later nesters had higher apparent survival than earlier nesters. Nesting timing did not affect the apparent survival of adults with failed nests suggesting that the energetic cost of producing fledglings contributed to the timing effect. Finally, clutch-initiation dates advanced in the western population and remained static in the eastern population. Given that both populations have seasonal declines in productivity, population-specific survival patterns provide insight into seasonal trade-offs. Specifically, nesting timing effects on survival paralleled productivity declines in the western population and inverse patterns of survival and reproduction in the eastern population suggest a condition-dependent trade-off. Concomitant seasonal declines in reproduction and survival may facilitate population-level responses to earlier springs, whereas seasonal trade-offs may constrain phenology shifts and increase vulnerability to mismatch.
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Data are available at Callery et al. (2022b).
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We thank Jason Winiarski for the extended spring index analysis. Jason Winiarski and Chris McClure provided statistical advice and thoughtful comments on early drafts of the manuscript. Comments from our handling editor, Rob Robinson, and two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript. We thank landowners for allowing access to their property.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) of the US Department of Defense (US DoD; Award Number: RC-2702) and the Boise State and American Kestrel Partnership Adopt-A-Box Partners. Release time for JAS was provided by the Faculty Scholarship Program, Montclair State University.
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KRC, JAH, JAS, ARH originally formulated the idea, all authors conducted fieldwork and curated data for analysis, KRC and JAH analyzed data, KRC wrote the first draft of the manuscript and all authors contributed to revision.
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American kestrels were handled and marked under the authority of federal bird banding permits (JAH: 23307, JAS: 21378), New Jersey scientific collecting permit SC 2017023, and its predecessors, Idaho scientific collecting permits, and institutional IACUCs.
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Callery, K.R., Smallwood, J.A., Hunt, A.R. et al. Seasonal trends in adult apparent survival and reproductive trade-offs reveal potential constraints to earlier nesting in a migratory bird. Oecologia 199, 91–102 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05169-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05169-w