Correction to: Parasitol Res

The original version of the article above contained an error in the text. The phrase 'The S scale (solubility - Table 1) classifies the solubility of compounds in water as insoluble for values below 10; slightly soluble <6; moderately soluble <4; soluble <2; very soluble <0 (Guerra 2019). The S (solubility) values of natural compounds 1a (piplartine) and 18a (piperine) were 2.39 and - 3.61, respectively.' should be replaced by 'The S scale (solubility - Table 1) classifies the solubility of the compounds in water. insoluble in water. Values less than <- 10; slightly soluble <- 6; moderately soluble <- 4; soluble <- 2; very soluble <0 (Guerra 2019; OSIRIS Property explorer). The S (solubility) values for natural compounds 1a (piplartine) and 18a (piperine) were - 2.39 and - 3.61, respectively'.

Another error is that the spelling of Guilherme de Matos Passarini name is incorrect. The correct spelling is Guilherme Matos Passarini.