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Arterial blood gases’ analysis in elite breath-hold divers at extreme depths

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European Journal of Applied Physiology Aims and scope Submit manuscript



To showcase results of arterial blood gases’ analysis in elite breath-hold divers sampled at depths where their total lung capacities are below their residual lung volume on surface.


Three male elite breath-hold divers performed body plethysmographies to determine their lung volumes. Two dives were performed, one on normal inhalation to 60 m of depth and the second on complete exhalation to 10 m of depth. Blood samples were taken on five occasions; before the first dive, at 60 and 10 m of depth and immediately after resurfacing after both dives.


Arterial blood gases’ analysis at 60 m of depth showed an increase in partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a consequent decrease in pH and an increase in concentration of HCO3. After resurfacing, in two divers, values mostly returned to normal; hypoxemia was observed in one diver. At 10 m of depth, all values showed similar variation, and hypoxemia was observed in the same diver but at depth. Upon resurfacing, all values returned to normal.


This is the first study performed at depths where the total lung capacities of participants are below their residual lung volumes at the surface. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases at depth to higher than normal values causing pH to decrease thus exceeding the buffering potential of the blood. In addition, previous assumptions that maximum depth in breath-hold divers is where total lung capacity is reduced to their residual volume proved wrong as our group of divers had no symptoms after resurfacing.

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Data availability

The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study (Arterial blood gases’ analysis in elite breath-hold divers at extreme depths by Barković et al.) are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.



Association Internationale pour le Développement de l'Apnée


Arterial blood gases


Standard atmospheric pressure


Breath-hold diver

cHCO3 :

Bicarbonate concentration in arterial blood


Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques


Glossopharyngeal insufflation

PaCO2 :

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood

PaO2 :

Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood


Potential of hydrogen


Residual volume

SaO2 :

Arterial oxygen saturation


Total lung capacity


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This work was supported by Croatian Science Foundation grant IP-2020-02-7928 to T.T.W.

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Authors and Affiliations



IB conceived and designed the experiment, conducted the experiment and wrote a part of the manuscript. ZJ conducted the experiment and wrote a part of the manuscript. FM analyzed the data, wrote a part of the manuscript and prepared the manuscript for submission. VM conducted the experiment and wrote a part of the manuscript. MP conducted the experiment. TTW conducted the experiment and revised the manuscript prior to submission. VP provided the necessary equipment and revised the manuscript prior to submission. All the authors read and approved the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Igor Barković.

Ethics declarations

Conflict of interest

The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.

Ethical approval

The ethics committee of Thalassotherapia Opatija approved this research under number 01-000-00-384/2-2021. We conducted the research in accordance and agreement with the international Conference on Harmonization guidelines on Good Clinical Practice and with the Declaration of Helsinki.

Informed consent

All the participants consented to the publication of all the details and data written in this research paper as well as all the procedures and tests that were performed.

Additional information

Communicated by Guido Ferretti.

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Barković, I., Jurilj, Z., Marinelli, F. et al. Arterial blood gases’ analysis in elite breath-hold divers at extreme depths. Eur J Appl Physiol 123, 857–865 (2023).

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