Our purpose was to assess our outcomes in involutional lower eyelid ectropion and entropion surgery after horizontal eyelid tightening by a modified tarsal strip technique.
A prospective study of 88 eyelids with ectropion and 96 with entropion was performed. Patients were randomly distributed into two groups: the control group included 90 eyelids (46 entropion and 44 ectropion) and the other group of 94 eyelids (50 entropion and 44 ectropion). The control group was treated with a conventional tarsal strip, whereas the second group underwent the same surgery except for a modified suture placement of the tarsal strip different in patients with ectropion and entropion. The mean follow-up was 5.4 years. Horizontal eyelid laxity, orbicularis muscle and lower eyelid retractors function were measured prior and after surgery. Recurrence rate was also evaluated.
Recurrent entropion occurred in eight eyelids (17.4 %) treated with conventional tarsal strip, while only two eyelids (4 %) showed recurrence after surgery in the group treated with the modified technique. Recurrence ectropion was only found in one eyelid (2.3 %) in the control group. Pathological horizontal laxity was present in all patients at the baseline study. After surgery, the horizontal laxity improved in both groups, we found significant differences in the patients treated with the modified technique (P=0.04).
The modified suture placement of the tarsal strip reported in this work improves the lower eyelid stability and prevents future recurrences after surgery. This modified technique is useful for the management of patients with entropion and moderate eyelid dysfunction retractors without other surgical procedures.
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López-García, J.S., García-Lozano, I., Giménez-Vallejo, C. et al. Modified lateral tarsal strip for involutional entropion and ectropion surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 255, 619–625 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00417-016-3536-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00417-016-3536-2