Wills Eye Review of Ophthalmology is an interactive online review of clinical ophthalmology. After login, the user is directed to an interactive question bank that can be used as an interactive review tool or as a scored test for clinical questions related to symptoms or findings. The questions are grouped into ten clinical subspecialties including trauma, cornea, glaucoma, retina, uveitis, neuro-ophthalmology, conjunctiva, oculoplastics, pediatrics, and general ophthalmology. For each topic, the interactive question data bank contains clinical cases with high-quality color images. Based on these cases, clinical questions are presented and the user is asked to answer the questions. In the “Review” mode of the database, the program presents the correct answer with a short but comprehensive explanation after clicking the “check answer” button. In the “Test” mode of the program, the user has to first answer all the questions, and thereafter a result sheet is presented and the user can review the questions with the correct answers and explanations. A total of 140 clinical cases with 350 high-quality color images and more than 800 questions are collected in the database.

This E-book is a very useful tool for all residents in reviewing their clinical skills and preparing for board exams. Senior ophthalmologists will find it a useful tool in keeping up to date and self-assessing their potential in the different sub-specialties. The questions and explanations are well written, and the language is concise and easy to understand even for ophthalmologists whose first language is not English. However, non-native-English speakers may find it difficult to answer the questions in the E-book correctly, since this requires (in addition to the knowledge in ophthalmology) considerable experience in the English nomenclature of eye diseases. The overall content is correct and up-to-date. Even modern tools of treatment such as anti-VEGF therapy for exudative AMD have been included in the explanation.

On my computer, with a high-speed Internet connection (download > 25 Mbps) some images would not load or took a long time to load. This may be related to my computer or our network, but this can be annoying. I would have preferred the possibility of downloading the entire database and working off-line.

Wills Eye Review of Ophthalmology is a very good supplement to the well-known “Wills Eye Manual”. Especially, for residents the interactive question bank is a perfect tool to test their own skills and to review all important fields of ophthalmology.