This is volume 34 of the well-known series “Research in Legal Medicine,” which originates from workshops and proceedings organized and published by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Lübeck and Kiel. The book constitutes a multidisciplinary approach to terrorism, collecting 16 contributions from well-known experts. In addition to political, juridical, criminological, and psychological aspects, a variety of medical issues are treated. Nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical, and cyber weapons are described, a microbiologist explains why he considers it not very likely that bio weapons will be in the front line of terrorists options, and practical experiences with diisopropyl fluorophosphate, lost (sulfur mustard), and sarin poisoning are described. The effect of terrorist attacks on the resource requirements for medico-legal experts needed to manage these events is reported together with general considerations of mass casualties and catastrophes.

All in all, there is valuable information for the medico-legal expert preparing for an investigation of a terrorist incident. This pertains to general issues such as organization and management as well as to practical case constellations, especially to bio weapons and forensic toxicology.