Igneous rocks with high Ta concentrations share a number of similarities such as high Ta/Nb, low Ti, LREE and Zr concentrations and granitic compositions. These features can be traced through fractionated granitic series. Formation of Ta-rich melts begins with anatexis in the presence of residual biotite, followed by magmatic crystallization of biotite and muscovite. Crystallization of biotite and muscovite increases Ta/Nb and reduces the Ti content of the melt. Titanium-bearing oxides such as rutile and titanite are enriched in Ta and have the potential to deplete Ta at early stages of fractionation. However, mica crystallization suppresses their saturation and allows Ta to increase in the melt. Saturation with respect to Ta and Nb minerals occurs at the latest stages of magmatic crystallization, and columbite can originate from recrystallization of mica. We propose a model for prediction of intrusion fertility for Ta.
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We thank D. H. Green, I. C. Campbell, M. T. Sweetapple, J. A. Halpin, D. R. Cooke, S. Z. Smirnov, V. Kamenetsky and reviewers by R. Linnen and A. Hack for constructive comments that significantly improved the manuscript.
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Stepanov, A., A. Mavrogenes, J., Meffre, S. et al. The key role of mica during igneous concentration of tantalum. Contrib Mineral Petrol 167, 1009 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-014-1009-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-014-1009-3