Correction to: European Journal of Nutrition

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The corrected details are given below for your reading.

In Table 1, in the first column the second bread is named as α-CDB, not -CDB

The title of Figure 2 is incorrect. The proper title of Fig. 2 is: Glycaemic index (GI) of the three breads compared to the glucose solution. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, the three breads compared to GS. † P < 0.05, (HT + α-CD)B compared to WB. ‡ P = 0.06, α-CDB compared to WB

The title of Figure 3 is incorrect. The proper title of Fig. 3 is: Responses of glucose (a), insulin (b), ghrelin (c) and GLP-1 (d) for 180 min after the consumption of the three breads and the solution of glucose. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (N = 10). * P < 0.05, (HT + α-CD)B compared to GS. † P < 0.05, α-CDB compared to GS. ¤ P < 0.05, WB compared to GS. ‡ P < 0.05, (HT + α-CD)B compared to α-CDB. ⁑ P < 0.05, (HT + α-CD)B compared to WB. a P = 0.090, α-CDB compared to WB. b P = 0.052, (HT + α-CD)B compared to α-CDB (marginally significant difference)