Correction to: Graphs and Combinatorics (2023) 39:59

In the original publication, the authors have found few errors in the article which is as follows:

1. Page 3: “Figure 3” ⇒ “Fig. 3”

2. Page 7: “Figure 4” ⇒ “Fig. 4”

3. Page 9, Table 1: “yes, iff m = 1” ⇒ “Yes, iff m = 1”

4. Page 9, Table 1: “For every v” ⇒ “for every v”

5. Page 22: “Figure 11b” ⇒ “Fig. 11(b)”

6. Page 24: “A Connectivity and Diameter ...” ⇒ “Appendix A: Connectivity and Diameter ...”

7. Page 25: Delete the duplicate funding statement in the “Acknowledgements” section and append the sentence “The majority of this work was done when Duc A. Hoang was affiliated with Kyoto University”.

The original article has been corrected.