In everyday life, face similarity is an important kinship clue. Computer algorithms able to infer kinship from pairs of face images could be applied in forensics, image retrieval and annotation, and historical studies. So far, little work in this area has been presented, and only one study, using a small set of low quality images, tackles the problem of identifying siblings pairs. The purpose of our paper is to present a comprehensive investigation on this subject, aimed at understanding which are, on the average, the most relevant facial features, how effective can be computer algorithms for detecting siblings pairs, and if they can outperform human evaluation. To avoid problems due to low quality pictures and uncontrolled imaging conditions, as for the heterogeneous datasets collected for previous researches, we prepared a database of high quality pictures of sibling pairs, shot in controlled conditions and including frontal, profile, expressionless, and smiling faces. Then we constructed various classifiers of image pairs using different types of facial data, based on various geometric, textural, and holistic features. The classifiers were first tested separately, and then the most significant facial data, selected with a two stage feature selection algorithm were combined into a unique classifier. The discriminating ability of the automatic classifier combining features of different nature has been found to outperform that of a panel of human raters. We also show the good generalization capabilities of the algorithm by applying the classifier, in a cross-database experiment, to a low quality database of images collected from the Internet.
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The authors thank Dr. Gowri Somanath at the University of Delaware for making available the VADANA database and for providing us the datasets used in our experiments. A preliminary version of this work was presented in [18], where we analyzed the use of holistic techniques only.
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Vieira, T.F., Bottino, A., Laurentini, A. et al. Detecting siblings in image pairs. Vis Comput 30, 1333–1345 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-013-0884-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-013-0884-3