Correction to: Eur Radiol

In the 'Statistical Analysis' section, the phrase “imaging results non-concordant with surgical resection in patients with ongoing seizures (Engel II–IV) were classified as false positive (FP)” was corrected to “imaging results concordant with surgical resection in patients with ongoing seizures (Engel II–IV) were classified as false positive (FP)” and the phrase “False negative (FN) was defined as imaging results concordant with the actual surgical resection in seizure-freedom patients.” was corrected to “False negative (FN) was defined as imaging results non-concordant with the actual surgical resection in seizure-freedom patients.” Additionally, in the caption text for Figure 3, “right hippocampus” was corrected to “left hippocampus”. The corrected caption text should read: “A 30-year-old woman with refractory focal epilepsy with impaired consciousness for 15 years. MR imaging axial TIWI sequence (a), axial T2WI sequence (b), and T2-FLAIR(c) showed a reduction in volume and hyperintensityon T2 in the left hippocampus. [18F]FDG PET (d) and SPM image (f) showed bilateral temporal lobe hypometabolism. PET/MRI(e) localized the EZ in the left hippocampus. Surgery was performed (g) and pathology was HS. Postsurgical follow-up 2 years later, the patient was classified as having an Engel class I outcome”. The original article has been corrected.