Erratum to: Eur Radiol (2010) 20: 2824–2833

DOI 10.1007/s00330-010-1880-x

Unfortunately, an error has been introduced into the original publication during preparation of the printed version after proof reading by the authors.

In “Statistical analysis”, the correct sentence must read:

Thus, the following functional dependence of the growth rate was analysed: \( \left( {{\hbox{trans}}{V_{{1}}} - {\hbox{trans}}{V_0}} \right)/\left( {{t_{{1}}} - {t_0}} \right) = {\beta_0} + {\beta_{{1}}} \times {\hbox{ trans}}{V_0} + {\beta_{{2}}} \times {\hbox{statin dosage equivalent}} \).