Dear anatomists and clinicians,

After the so difficult years 2020 and 2021, we all experienced progressive return to usual activities in our labs and universities, but without a real same recovering of our “pre-Covid19” way of working.

The number of submissions to the journal went back to the prepandemic values that showed the purchase of the researches in the different sections of clinical anatomy. The section “education and teaching in anatomy” received more manuscripts than during the previous years, with an intense research about the new tools developed during the lock-down period. We actually move to the phase of evaluation of these tools, and numerous articles will be grouped in one of the next coming issues. Sharing the different experiences in “distant pedagogy” is of importance.

We all expect the possibility to meet again, face-to-face, during the EACA-ISCAA congress in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2023.

The contents of this first 2023-issue reflects the large panel of anatomical topics: limbs, central nervous system, abdomen, head and neck, and the various depictions of anatomy through clinical observations, dissections, and imaging.

Special thanks are given to the Associate Editors and Reviewers for their huge work, with a new tool, that could make possible this continuous evolution of publishing in the fields of anatomical sciences, clinical anatomy and education.

We wish you all the best for 2023!

F Duparc and B Grignon.