The presence of livestock in riparian areas raises several questions about the conservation and sustainable use of water resources and biodiversity in Brazil. Although the Native Vegetation Protection Law (No. 12,651) focuses on riparian vegetation, protected as Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs), it does not exclude the presence of livestock in these fragile areas. Here, we provide an overview of APPs in Brazil and analyze the legal instruments that enable livestock in these areas, gathering the scientific evidence on associated environmental impacts. Currently, cattle in riparian areas represent a direct threat to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services, especially because these animals promote trampling, loss of vegetation, soil erosion, siltation, and pollution through urine and feces. To avoid cattle in APPs, legislation should be revised to implement more stringent restrictions; in parallel, alternatives for watering the animals must be sought, such as, for example, the installation of artificial ponds and drinking fountains. It would be appropriate to propose legislation or create incentives to fence livestock in pasture areas to preventing it from accessing APPs. Increasing cattle confinement is an alternative measure to traditional ranching in open pasture. Riparian zones represent a critical environment for biodiversity and society, so the presence of cattle and its associated negative impacts should be seriously considered by authorities.
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Beatriz Monteiro Tavares, Gabriel Samora Chacra Amui, Victória Silva and Valter M. Azevedo-Santos idealized the study and wrote the first version. All authors contributed with inputs of texts as well as corrections and suggestions. This manuscript was approved by all authors.
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Tavares, B.M., Amui, G.S.C., Silva, V. et al. Livestock in Riparian Areas: A Neglected Environmental Issue. Environmental Management 74, 846–852 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-024-02041-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-024-02041-w