Analysis of small-scale inland fisheries (SSIFs) is often highly dispersed and tends not reflect the true magnitude of their contribution to society. This is partly due to the insufficient attention given to this sector by the relevant authorities, in addition to its highly diverse characteristics, with complex patterns of operation in a wide range of systems, often in remote areas. Here, by integrating fishers as participatory fishery monitors, we provide fishery-dependent estimates of yields, the biological attributes of the fish species, and the spatiotemporal dynamics of the fisheries of lakes on the floodplain of the São Francisco basin in northeastern Brazil. As the fishers were willing participates in the monitoring, the results revealed well-structured artisanal fishing activities, with the lake system providing high-profile fish harvests from both monthly and annual perspectives. The spatial distribution of fishing effort reflected the adaptation of the fishers to the flood cycle of the river, in order to maintain high fishery productivity throughout the year. The results also indicate that participatory monitoring can help to overcome knowledge gaps and provide a database that is readily applicable to management needs at both local and regional scales. As Brazil is one few world’s nations that no longer have national fishing monitoring program, participatory monitoring represents a low-cost solution for the credible and useful data on small-scale fisheries. It would thus appear to be extremely worthwhile to invest in the empowerment of communities in order to overcome the historic vulnerability of productive sector and the food security of the populations that depend on these fisheries.
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The authors thank the Associação de Pescadores e Pescadores da Ilha de Zezé and the Colônia de Pescadores Z-59 for technical and logistical support. Essential logistical and financial supports were provided by ICHTUS Ambiente & Sociedade. We are also indebted with all fishers and traditional communities that volunteered their time to this project to ensure its success. JAR-F received post-doctoral fellowship from FADESP (#339020/2022). Special thanks to the editor and reviewers for the constructive comments and recommendations, which improved quality of the paper.
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J.A.R.-F.: Conceptualization, investigation, writing, review, editing, and supervision; F.R.-F. conceptualization and investigation; L.C. writing and review; T.G. writing and review.
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Reis-Filho, J.A., Ramos-Filho, F., Castello, L. et al. -I fish, therefore I monitor: Participatory monitoring to assess inland small-scale fisheries. Environmental Management 72, 540–557 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-023-01819-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-023-01819-8