Monitoring long-term changes in aquatic biodiversity requires the effective use of historical data that were collected with different methods and varying levels of effort. Aggregating data into different spatial scales can control for such differences and provide a robust framework for monitoring distribution trends. We used a quantitative, multi-scale assessment to evaluate the potential drivers of distribution change for 60 fish species at three spatial scales, using 503 unique sampling events conducted between 1931 and 2019 in a stream biodiversity hotspot (French Creek, Pennsylvania, U.S.A). Trends delineated at multiple scales demonstrated that only one cyprinid species consistently declined through time. In contrast, several species, particularly centrarchids (bass and sunfish), appeared to increase with time. However, evidence for species’ increases varied among the different spatial scales, and our observations suggest that differences in effort and detection across time periods may contribute to patterns of species increases. There was agreement among scales that agricultural land use, non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta), and anthropogenic barriers did not explain patterns in biodiversity change from the distribution trends in this study. The lack of species declines is likely due to the limited levels of historical impacts in the watershed compared with other locations in the region that experienced more acute pollution bottlenecks. Species increases were most prevalent for sportfish and baitfish species, suggesting that distribution increases were human mediated. Similar multi-scale assessments should provide more robust insight into patterns of biodiversity loss and distribution changes by maximizing the use of historical data.
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This paper is dedicated to S.A.W., who passed away during earlier revisions. S.A.W. was a wonderful mentor, teacher, scientist, colleague, and friend who inspired a countless number of scientists. He was loved by many and he will be sorely missed. We would like to thank the following Allegheny College students for their assistance in fish surveys: Elizabeth Goetz, Brandon Goeller, Ashley Seitz, Lynette Gardner, Anna Zimmerman, Kirsten Ressel, Anna Rosswog, Katie Robbins, Maggie McClain, Kaitlyn Campbell, Logan Billet, Scott Kirk, Jared Balik, Susan Washko, Megan Hazlett, Brian Capron, Cody Nageotte, and Tom Cannon. We are grateful to Chris Shaffer and Leslie Rieck for assistance with the collection of GIS data, and for the GIS coding of historical data. Bryan Maitland, Jason Taylor, and two unknown reviewers provided constructive comments on earlier drafts that helped improve the manuscript.
Author Contributions
M.A.K. and S.A.W. conceived the manuscript idea, and collected the fish community data for the 292 contemporary surveys. M.A.K. collated the data, performed the analyses, and wrote the paper. M.A.K. and S.A.W. critically revised the manuscript, and approved it for submission.
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Kirk, M.A., Wissinger, S.A. Assessment of Long-Term Trends in Fish Distributions at Multiple Scales Decreases Uncertainty Associated with Historical Datasets. Environmental Management 66, 136–148 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01298-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01298-1