Groundwater is one of the main resources for social-ecological systems. As part of the total water cycle and deeply connected with land use, groundwater management faces many challenges, especially in coastal areas. Landscape Scale Planning is an emerging approach for land use planning providing a framework for management based on evidence, given that landscapes have physical and information flows. Landscape Scale Planning embraces the following three dimensions: (i) the spatial dimension centres on the recognition of distinct landscape units; (ii) the temporal dimension entails past, current and future uses of a landscape; and (iii) the modification dimension involves the anthropogenic alterations that affected and will affect the landscape and its features along the spatial and temporal dimensions. Through a systematic literature review of 28 selected publications, this paper explores how groundwater management can be improved through a Landscape Scale Planning approach. The results show that Landscape Scale Planning can be applied as an integrative framework for groundwater management. Landscape units based on, but not limited to, geology, topography, cultural and socio-economic aspects can aid groundwater management to consider the differing spatial and temporal characteristics of the aquifer. Landscape Scale Planning can also favour the inclusion of land use change dynamics in groundwater management processes. To this end, the paper proposes guidelines for applying Landscape Scale Planning to inform groundwater management and consider land use changes.
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The work was supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES (Contract #8881.190391/2018-01).
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Braga, A.C.R., Serrao-Neumann, S. & de Oliveira Galvão, C. Groundwater Management in Coastal Areas through Landscape Scale Planning: A Systematic Literature Review. Environmental Management 65, 321–333 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-019-01244-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-019-01244-w