The scientific understanding of the recreation experience and the environmentally responsible behavior of nature-based tourists is limited. This study examines the relationship among the recreation experience, environmental attitude, biospheric value, and the general and site-specific environmentally responsible behavior of nature-based tourists in Taomi, Liuqiu Island, and Aowanda and Najenshan in Taiwan. A total of 1342 usable questionnaires were collected for this study. The empirical results indicate that the recreation experience influences biospheric value and environmental attitude; subsequently, it then indirectly influences the general and site-specific environmentally responsible behavior of nature-based tourists. Our theoretical behavioral model elucidates previously proposed but unexamined behavioral models among nature-based tourists, and it offers a theoretical framework for researchers, decision makers, managers, and tourists in the field of nature-based tourism. We conclude that when an individual participates in nature-based tourism as described here, these recreation experiences strengthen their environmental attitude and biospheric value, and consequently increase their engagement in both general and site-specific environmentally responsible behaviors.
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We would like to thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China (Taiwan) for financially supporting this research under Contract No. NSC 101-2410-H-224-036. We thank Miss Chen Y. S., Miss Chen K. J., Miss Chiu M. H., Miss, Y. C., Mr. Tseng C. H., Mr. Lin Y. F., Mr. Huang G. W., and Mr. Hung C. H. for their assistance in conducting the questionnaire survey. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for offering comments that helped us to improve this article.
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Lee, T.H., Jan, FH. The Effects of Recreation Experience, Environmental Attitude, and Biospheric Value on the Environmentally Responsible Behavior of Nature-Based Tourists. Environmental Management 56, 193–208 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0488-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0488-y