Over the last decade, a growing interest has been shown toward innovative stormwater management practices, breaking away from conventional “end of pipe” approaches (based on conveying water offsite to centralized detention facilities). Innovative strategies, referred to as sustainable urban drainage systems, low impact development (LID) or green infrastructures, advocating for management of runoff as close to its origin as possible, have therefore gained a lot of popularity among practitioners and public authorities. However, while the need for pollution control is generally well accepted, there is no wide agreement about management criteria to be given to developers. This article hence aims to compare these criteria through literature analysis of different state or local stormwater management manuals or guidelines, investigating both their suitability for pollution control and their influence on best management practices selection and design. Four categories of criteria were identified: flow-rate limitations, “water quality volumes” (to be treated), volume reduction (through infiltration or evapotranspiration), and non-hydrologic criteria (such as loads reduction targets or maximum effluent concentrations). This study suggests that hydrologic criteria based on volume reduction (rather than treatment) might generally be preferable for on-site control of diffuse stormwater pollution. Nonetheless, determination of an appropriate management approach for a specific site is generally not straightforward and presents a variety of challenges for site designers seeking to satisfy local requirements in addressing stormwater quantity and quality issues. The adoption of efficient LID solution may therefore strongly depend on the guidance given to practitioners to account for these management criteria.
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This research was carried out under the OPUR research program. We acknowledge OPUR partners and the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy for financial support.
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Sage, J., Berthier, E. & Gromaire, MC. Stormwater Management Criteria for On-Site Pollution Control: A Comparative Assessment of International Practices. Environmental Management 56, 66–80 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0485-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0485-1