United States Supreme Court rulings have created uncertainty regarding U.S. Clean Water Act (CWA) authority over certain waters, and established new data and analytical requirements for determining CWA jurisdiction. Thus, rapid assessment methods are needed that can differentiate between ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams. We report on the validation of several methods. The first (Interim Method) was developed through best professional judgment (BPJ); an alternative (Revised Method) resulted from statistical analysis. We tested the Interim Method on 178 study reaches in Oregon, and constructed the Revised Method based on statistical analysis of the Oregon data. Next, we evaluated the regional applicability of the methods on 86 study reaches across a variety of hydrologic landscapes in Washington and Idaho. During the second phase, we also compared the Revised Method with a similar approach (Combined Method) based on combined field data from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. We further compared field-based methods with a GIS-based approach (GIS Method) that used the National Hydrography Dataset and a synthetic stream network. Evaluations of all methods compared results with actual streamflow duration classes. The Revised Method correctly determined known streamflow duration 83.9 % of the time, versus 62.3 % accuracy of the Interim Method and 43.6 % accuracy for the GIS-based approach. The Combined Method did not significantly outperform the Revised Method. Analysis showed biological indicators most accurately discriminate streamflow duration classes. While BPJ established a testable hypothesis, this study illustrates the importance of quantitative field testing of rapid assessment methods. Results support a consistent method applicable across the Pacific Northwest.
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Many thanks are due to Blake Hatteberg, Lindsey Webb, Shawn Majors, Rachel LovellFord, and Howard Bruner for field data collection assistance over the course of the study. Jess Jordan, Mike Turaski, Pete Ryan, and Brian Topping provided helpful insight to implementation and results from the Oregon phase of the study. We are grateful to colleagues across the Pacific Northwest who provided local knowledge for study site reconnaissance and/or additional hydrological observations at study reaches: John Olson, Jess Jordan, Yvonne Vallette, Linda Storm, Jim Zokan, and Tina Tong. We acknowledge the U.S. Forest Service, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and McDonald Forest for allowing site access, and thank Brian Stabb, Michael Rule, Angelo Vitale, and Rosemary Mazaika for facilitating access. We thank the U.S. EPA Region 10, EPA’s Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, and the Regional Applied Research and Regional Research Partners Award programs for funding to support the study. The information in this document has been funded entirely by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in part through contract #EP-D-11-027 to Dynamac Corporation. It has been subjected to EPA’s peer and administrative review and approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. The authors thank three anonymous reviewers for constructive comments that greatly improved the manuscript.
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Nadeau, TL., Leibowitz, S.G., Wigington, P.J. et al. Validation of Rapid Assessment Methods to Determine Streamflow Duration Classes in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Environmental Management 56, 34–53 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0466-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0466-4