The aim of this study was to assess the states of watersheds in South Korea and to formulate new measures to improve identified inadequacies. The study focused on the watersheds of the Han River basin and adopted an adaptive watershed management framework. Using data collected during watershed investigation projects, we analyzed the management context of the study basin and identified weaknesses in water use management, flood management, and environmental and ecosystems management in the watersheds. In addition, we conducted an interview survey to obtain experts’ opinions on the possible management of watersheds in the future. The results of the assessment show that effective management of the Han River basin requires adaptive watershed management, which includes stakeholders’ participation and social learning. Urbanization was the key variable in watershed management of the study basin. The results provide strong guidance for future watershed management and suggest that nonstructural measures are preferred to improve the states of the watersheds and that consistent implementation of the measures can lead to successful watershed management. The results also reveal that governance is essential for adaptive watershed management in the study basin. A special ordinance is necessary to establish governance and aid social learning. Based on the findings, a management process is proposed to support new watershed management practices. The results will be of use to policy makers and practitioners who can implement the measures recommended here in the early stages of adaptive watershed management in the Han River basin. The measures can also be applied to other river basins.
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This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Republic of Korea. The writers appreciate the useful comments of the Editor and the two anonymous reviewers.
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Kang, M.G., Park, S.W. An Adaptive Watershed Management Assessment Based on Watershed Investigation Data. Environmental Management 55, 1006–1021 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-014-0442-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-014-0442-4