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Homeowner Attitudes and Practices Towards Residential Landscape Management in Ohio, USA

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Environmental Management Aims and scope Submit manuscript

An Erratum to this article was published on 13 December 2012


This study describes the results of a survey of 432 homeowners in Ohio, USA concerning their perceptions and practices regarding management of residential landscapes. The results reveal that outdoor residential environments are extremely important to homeowners, who tend to view their yards as serving multiple functions: a place to observe nature and to socialize as well as a place of beauty and recreation. Use of a lawn care company to apply chemicals is reported by 22 % of respondents, while 40 % either apply chemicals themselves or have someone other than a lawn care company do it. Logistic regressions reveal that factors influencing a homeowner’s decision to employ a lawn care company or to apply chemicals themselves include: household income (+), perceived impacts on the environment (−), whether the next door neighbor does it (+), and type of residential environment (rural −, suburban and urban +). A theme that emerges throughout the study is the perceived importance of the role of the lawn in residents’ sense of social status or acceptance in the neighborhood. This perception can be viewed as a positive in ensuring that residential environments are well maintained, but also as a negative resulting in environmental degradation or presenting a barrier to creativity in the development of alternative residential environments. Specific policy implications of these findings are that efforts aimed at educating homeowners about the environmental impacts of their lawn care choices are likely to have more success if they are directed at neighborhood groups rather than individuals, show that alternatives are easy to adopt, affordable, and can produce the characteristics of lawns that homeowners seek.

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The authors’ thank members of the Urban Landscape Ecology Program who contributed to the design of this study, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center for funding this interdisciplinary research, and three anonymous reviewers for their diligent reviews of earlier versions of the manuscript.

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Corresponding author

Correspondence to Parwinder S. Grewal.

APPENDIX 1. Questionnaire

APPENDIX 1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire Part ONE: Attitudes

  1. (1)

    How much do chemicals from farms, such as fertilizers and weed killers, or bug killers affect water quality near your community? Would you say?

  • <1> A LOT,

  • <2> SOME,


  • <4> NOT AT ALL

  1. (2)

    How much do chemicals from lawns, such as the use of fertilizers, weed killers, or bug killers applied to their yards affect water quality near your community? Would you say?

    • <1> A LOT,

    • <2> SOME,

    • <3> VERY LITTLE, OR

    • <4> NOT AT ALL

  2. (3)

    Does your nearest neighbor on your right hand side use a lawn care chemical company? Y/N or DN (Yes, No, or Do not know)

  3. (4)

    Does your nearest neighbor on your right hand side apply lawn chemicals (fertilizers/ weed killers, or bug killers) themselves? Y/N or DN

  4. (5)

    What kind of effect do you think that neighbors’ lawn care applications have on water quality…


    • <2> NO EFFECT


    • <4> DON’T KNOW

  5. (6)

    What kind of effect do you think that neighbors’ lawn care applications have on your property values…


    • <2> NO EFFECT


    • <4> DON’T KNOW

  6. (7)

    What kind of effect do you think their lawn care applications have on feelings of pride in your neighborhood …


    • <2> NO EFFECT


    • <4> DON’T KNOW

Thinking about the ways in which you use your yard, how important is each of the following?

  1. (8)

    A place for recreation

    • <1> Important

    • <2> Neither important nor unimportant

    • <3> Unimportant or not used in this way

  2. (9)

    A place to observe nature (e.g., birds, butterflies, other wildlife)

    • <1> Important

    • <2> Neither important nor unimportant

    • <3> Unimportant or not used in this way

  3. (10)

    A place to socialize with friends

    • <1> Important

    • <2> Neither important nor unimportant

    • <3> Unimportant or not used in this way

  4. (11)

    A place of beauty

    • <1> Important

    • <2> Neither important nor unimportant

    • <3> Unimportant or not used in this way

  5. (12)

    How satisfied are you with the appearance of your yard this year?

    • <1> Very satisfied

    • <2> Somewhat satisfied

    • <3> Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied

    • <4> Somewhat unsatisfied or

    • <5> Very unsatisfied

  6. (13)

    How satisfied are you with the appearance of the yard of your nearest neighbor on your right hand side?

    • <1> Very satisfied

    • <2> Somewhat satisfied

    • <3> Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied

    • <4> Somewhat unsatisfied or

    • <5> Very unsatisfied

  7. (14)

    Have any of your neighbors ever commented on your yard? Y/N

  8. (14a)

    If so, was it a compliment or a concern? Comp/Conc

  9. (15)

    When it comes to bugkillers, weedkillers, and fertilizers homeowners tend to apply:

    • <1> Too much

    • <2> The correct amount

    • <3> Too little

  10. (16)

    When it comes to bugkillers, weedkillers, and fertilizers, professional lawn care companies tend to apply:

    • <1> Too much

    • <2> The correct amount

    • <3> Too little

Questionnaire Part TWO: Practices

Now I’d like you to think about some different lawn care practices. For all of these questions I want you to think of what you did this last year – May to August 2004.

  1. (17)

    During this season, about how many hours a week do you spend working in your yard?


  1. (18)

    Last year, did a lawn care company apply any fertilizers, bug killers, or weed killers to your lawn?



  2. (18a)

    [If 18 YES] How many times did they come to your home to spray or apply any chemicals or treatments last year?

    • <1-87> ______ # OF TIMES

  3. (18b)

    Do you know what chemicals were applied by this company? Y/N

  4. (18c)

    [If 18b YES] Which chemicals were these?

  5. (19)

    Last year, did you or someone other than a lawn care company use any fertilizers, bug killers, or weed killers on your lawn?



  6. (19a)

    [If 19 YES] Did you use any fertilizer on your lawn last year?



  7. (19ai)

    [If 19a YES] About how many times last year did you apply fertilizer to your own lawn? Was it…

    • <1> Once,

    • <2> Twice,

    • <3> Three times,

    • <4> Four times, or

    • <5> More than four times?

  8. (19b)

    [If 19 YES] Did you use any insecticides or bug killer on your lawn last year?



  9. (19c)

    Did you use any herbicides or weed killers or did you use a weed and feed package last year?


    • <0> NO, DID NOT USE WEED KILLER [goto q23a]

  10. (20)

    Which of the following would you describe as your top TWO sources of information for yard management and the use of fertilizers, weed killers, or bug killers?








  11. (21)

    Does your city, township, municipal area, or neighborhood have any laws, covenants, or legislation that restricts lawn management or what can be applied to your lawn laws, covenants, or legislation that restricts your lawn care (like restrictions on chemicals or mowing height)?


    • <2> NO, THERE ARE NO REQUIREMENTS [go to q26a]

    • <3> DON’T KNOW

In thinking about the practices you use in taking care of your yard (whatever you do), what are your reasons and motivations for choosing the method you do? Answer the following in terms of their importance

  1. (22)

    Ease: my lawn care method is low in cost and meets my time constraints

    • <1> Very Unimportant

    • <2> Somewhat Unimportant

    • <3> Neither Important nor Unimportant

    • <4> Somewhat Important

    • <5> Very Important

  2. (23)

    Financial: my lawn care improves my property values

    • <1> Very Unimportant

    • <2> Somewhat Unimportant

    • <3> Neither Important nor Unimportant

    • <4> Somewhat Important

    • <5> Very Important

  3. (24)

    Community: my yard care results improve my neighborhood

    • <1> Very Unimportant

    • <2> Somewhat Unimportant

    • <3> Neither Important nor Unimportant

    • <4> Somewhat Important

    • <5> Very Important

  4. (25)

    Safety: my yard care method lowers the risk I face personally from chemicals and machinery

    • <1> Very Unimportant

    • <2> Somewhat Unimportant

    • <3> Neither Important nor Unimportant

    • <4> Somewhat Important

    • <5> Very Important

  5. (26)

    Ecology: my yard care method maintains a healthy ecosystem

    • <1> Very Unimportant

    • <2> Somewhat Unimportant

    • <3> Neither Important nor Unimportant

    • <4> Somewhat Important

    • <5> Very Important

  6. (27)

    What proportion of your entire yard, front and back, is covered by lawn grass?

    • <1> all of it

    • <2> more than half of it,

    • <3> about half of it,

    • <4> less than half of it, or

    • <5> none of it

  7. (28)

    Have you replaced a portion of your lawn with any other form of ground cover?

  • <1> YES

  • <0> NO

  1. (28a)

    If yes, what did you replace the grass with (Shrubs? Flowers? Etc)

Indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following

  1. (29)

    I keep my lawn rather than replacing it with another ground cover because it fits into the look of the neighborhood better than any alternative

    • <1> Agree

    • <2> Disagree

  2. (30)

    I keep my lawn rather than replacing it with another ground cover because it is too expensive to replace

    • <1> Agree

    • <2> Disagree

  3. (31)

    I keep my lawn rather than replacing it with another ground cover because it’s easier to care for than alternatives

    • <1> Agree

    • <2> Disagree

  4. (32)

    What is the source of water for your home?

    • <1> Municipal (City) water system

    • <2> Private well

    • <3> Other source

  5. (33)

    How would you describe the area where your home is located?

    • <1> Urban

    • <2> Suburban

    • <3> Small Town

    • <4> Rural

Survey Part THREE: Demographic

Before ending this interview I have a few questions to ask for statistical purposes.

  1. (34)

    What is your zip code?

  2. (35)


  3. (36)

    Gender (m/f)?

  4. (37)

    Highest degree earned (circle one)

    1. (1)

      1-12 Years (no degree)

    2. (2)

      High School or GED

    3. (3)

      Associate’s Degree

    4. (4)

      Bachelors degree

    5. (5)

      Masters degree

    6. (6)

      Ph.D, M.D., etc.

  5. (38)

    If you have an advanced degree (Masters or Ph.D.), what is the field? _____________

  6. (39)

    Annual Household Income

    1. (1)


    2. (2)


    3. (3)


    4. (4)


    5. (5)


    6. (6)


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Blaine, T.W., Clayton, S., Robbins, P. et al. Homeowner Attitudes and Practices Towards Residential Landscape Management in Ohio, USA. Environmental Management 50, 257–271 (2012).

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