Forest certification is a mechanism involving the regulation of trade of forest products in order to protect forest resources and improve forest management. Although China had a late start in adopting this process, the country has made good progress in recent years. As of July 31, 2009, 17 forest management enterprises and more than one million hectares of forests in China have been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Several major factors affect forest certification in China. The first set is institutional in nature. Forest management in China is based on centralized national plans and therefore lacks flexibility. A second factor is public awareness. The importance and value of forest certification are not widely understood and thus consumers do not make informed choices regarding certified forest products. The third major factor is the cost of certification. Together these factors have constrained the development of China’s forest certification efforts. However, the process does have great potential. According to preliminary calculations, if 50% of China’s commercial forests were certified, the economic cost of forest certification would range from US$0.66–86.63 million while the economic benefits for the forestry business sector could exceed US$150 million. With continuing progress in forest management practices and the development of international trade in forest products, it becomes important to improve the forest certification process in China. This can be achieved by improving the forest management system, constructing and perfecting market access mechanisms for certificated forest products, and increasing public awareness of environmental protection, forest certification, and their interrelationship.
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This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China (Grant No. 2006BADO3A0906) and the 100 Talents Program, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We are grateful to Dr. Duan Jing and Dr Wu Wenchun for valuable comments on an early version of this article.
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Zhao, J., Xie, D., Wang, D. et al. Current Status and Problems in Certification of Sustainable Forest Management in China. Environmental Management 48, 1086–1094 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-011-9620-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-011-9620-9