Military training activities are known to impact individual species, yet our understanding of how such activities influence animal communities is limited. In this study, we used long-term data in a case study approach to examine the extent to which the local small landbird community differed between a site in northeast Kansas that experienced intensive disturbance from military training activities (Ft. Riley Military Installation) and a similar, nearby site that experienced minimal human disturbance (Konza Prairie Biological Station). In addition, we characterized how the regional pool of potential colonizers influenced local community dynamics using Breeding Bird Survey data. From 1991 to 2001, most species of small terrestrial landbirds (73%) recorded during breeding surveys were found at both sites and the mean annual richness at Ft. Riley (39.0 ± 2.86 [SD]) was very similar to that of Konza Prairie (39.4 ± 2.01). Richness was maintained at relatively constant levels despite compositional changes because colonizations compensated local extinctions at both sites. These dynamics were driven primarily by woodland species that exhibited stochastic losses and gains and were present at a low local and regional abundance. Our results suggest that military training activities may mimic natural disturbances for some species in this area because the small landbird community did not differ markedly between sites with and sites without extensive human disturbance. Although our results suggest that military training is not associated with large changes in the avian community, additional studies are needed to determine if this pattern is found in other ecological communities.
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Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Army through the Land Condition Trend Analysis program at Fort Riley and the Division of Biology at Kansas State University. Data from Konza Prairie were collected as part of the Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program (NSF Grant DEB-9632851). We thank J. Zimmerman, C. Smith, and B. Sandercock for conducting bird surveys at Konza Prairie; J. Keating, K. Cherry, and G. Suleiman for conducting bird surveys at Fort Riley; and B. Brock and P. Woodford for providing logistical support of this research. We thank M. Smith for her extensive assistance with this project and M. Betts, J. Goheen, S. Yelenik, and two anonymous reviewers for valuable feedback on an early version of the manuscript. This paper is dedicated to the memory of J. S. Pontius—an exceptional scientist, educator, and friend.
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Jeffrey S. Pontius was Deceased.
Classification (following AOU [1998] and subsequent supplements) of species observed at Konza Prairie Biological Station and Ft. Riley Military Installation during annual surveys conducted in 1991–2001
Family/species | Scientific name |
Cuculidae | |
Black-billed cuckoo | Coccyzus erythrophthalmus |
Yellow-billed cuckoo | Coccyzus americanus |
Picidae | |
Red-headed woodpecker | Melanerpes erythrocephalus |
Red-bellied woodpecker | Melanerpes carolinus |
Downy woodpecker | Picoides pubescens |
Hairy woodpecker | Picoides villosus |
Northern flicker | Colaptes auratus |
Tyrannidae | |
Eastern wood-pewee | Contopus virens |
Acadian flycatcher | Empidonax virescens |
Willow flycatcher | Empidonax traillii |
Eastern phoebe | Sayornis phoebe |
Great crested flycatcher | Myiarchus crinitus |
Western kingbird | Tyrannus verticalis |
Eastern kingbird | Tyrannus tyrannus |
Scissor-tailed flycatcher | Tyrannus forficatus |
Laniidae | |
Loggerhead shrike | Lanius ludovicianus |
Vireonidae | |
Bell’s vireo | Vireo bellii |
Warbling vireo | Vireo gilvus |
Red-eyed vireo | Vireo olivaceus |
Corvidae | |
Blue jay | Cyanocitta cristata |
Paridae | |
Black-capped chickadee | Poecile atricapillus |
Tufted titmouse | Baeolophus bicolor |
Sittidae | |
White-breasted nuthatch | Sitta carolinensis |
Troglodytidae | |
Carolina wren | Thryothorus ludovicianus |
Bewick’s wren | Thryothorus bewickii |
House wren | Troglodytes aedon |
Marsh wren | Cistothorus palustris |
Sylviidae | |
Blue-gray gnatcatcher | Polioptila caerulea |
Turdidae | |
Eastern bluebird | Sialia sialis |
Wood thrush | Hylocichla mustelina |
American robin | Turdus migratorius |
Mimidae | |
Gray catbird | Dumetella carolinensis |
Northern mockingbird | Mimus polyglottos |
Brown thrasher | Toxostoma rufum |
Sturnidae | |
European starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
Parulidae | |
Northern parula | Parula americana |
Yellow warbler | Dendroica petechia |
Black-and-white warbler | Mniotilta varia |
American redstart | Setophaga ruticilla |
Worm-eating warbler | Helmitheros vermivorus |
Louisiana waterthrush | Seiurus motacilla |
Kentucky warbler | Oporornis formosus |
Common yellowthroat | Geothlypis trichas |
Yellow-breasted chat | Icteria virens |
Thraupidae | |
Summer tanager | Piranga rubra |
Emberizidae | |
Eastern towhee | Pipilo erythrophthalmus |
Field sparrow | Spizella pusilla |
Lark sparrow | Chondestes grammacus |
Grasshopper sparrow | Ammodramus savannarum |
Henslow’s sparrow | Ammodramus henslowii |
Cardinalidae | |
Northern cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis |
Rose-breasted grosbeak | Pheuticus ludovicianus |
Blue grosbeak | Passerina caerulea |
Indigo bunting | Passerina cyanea |
Dickcissel | Spiza americana |
Icteridae | |
Red-winged blackbird | Agelaius phoeniceus |
Eastern meadowlark | Sturnella magna |
Common grackle | Quiscalus quiscula |
Brown-headed cowbird | Molothrus ater |
Orchard oriole | Icterus spurius |
Baltimore oriole | Icterus galbula |
Fringillidae | |
American goldfinch | Carduelis tristis |
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Rivers, J.W., Gipson, P.S., Althoff, D.P. et al. Long-Term Community Dynamics of Small Landbirds with and Without Exposure to Extensive Disturbance from Military Training Activities. Environmental Management 45, 203–216 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-009-9421-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-009-9421-6