Correction to: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

The publisher regrets to inform the readers that the typesetter misinterpreted the correction from the author. The text ‘In the case of the Andean condor, recent satellite tracking revealed that the home range of immature birds (299,770 km2) is more than twofold of that of adults (>290,000 km2) in northern Patagonia (Alarcón et al. 2017; Guido et al. 2017)’ should have been ‘In the case of the Andean condor, recent satellite tracking revealed that the home range of immature birds (>290,000 km2) is more than twofold of that of adults (125,000 km2) in northern Patagonia (Alarcón et al. 2017; Guido et al. 2017)’.

The original article has been corrected.