2021 was a very busy year for Abdominal Radiology with a record number of submissions and published manuscripts, which has kept our Associate Editors and many reviewers extremely busy. My deep appreciation is extended to all these individuals, the unsung heros of the Journal.

Our Impact Factor continued to increase and was raised to 3.039 for 2020. This is a testament to the great work from our authors and the effectiveness of our entire editorial team: reviewers, Associate Editors, and the Springer editorial staff. We shall continue to work hard for quick turnaround times for submitted manuscripts, which is currently 43 days to reach a first decision. Last year, we had nearly 500,000 downloads of our published articles. I suspect we may surpass this in 2021.

The publication of visual abstracts is a welcome addition to the Journal. We now encourage all authors to submit a visual abstract for original research and review articles. These are created on a PowerPoint slide, a template for which is available in the Journal submission guidelines. The provided template provides the author with the required background colors and font. Authors choose one or two images, figures, or drawings from their article that best summarizes their findings. As radiologists, it is wonderful to both see and read a quick synopsis of these publications. Likewise, it is a format that lends itself to sharing on social media. The visual abstract initiative was developed by the hard work of the visual abstract editors including Emre Altinmakas, Olga Brook, Roberto Cannella, Refky Nicola, and Federica Vernuccio. My sincere thanks to these individuals for their innovative guidance and help. As of September 22, 2021, we have published 47 visual abstracts.

Two new Associate Editors were added to our editorial team this year to expand and enhance the social media presence of Abdominal Radiology. We are pleased to welcome Malak Itani and Lyudmila Muinov to this new role. These individuals are using the visual abstracts combined with Twitter to expand the reach of the Journal and enhance interest and discussion of many different published articles. If you are a social media buff, please follow @Abdominal_Rad and tweet about articles you have enjoyed.

Our Editorial Board was refreshed with new names this year. The Editorial Board is an oversight group that provides recommendations and direction to Journal leadership yearly. I am personally indebted to this internationally acclaimed volunteer group of experts. Many issues and opportunities that have improved the Journal have originated from these individuals.

In the past, we offered Category I continuing medical education (CME) credits to readers. As this service was not widely used by our readership, it has now been discontinued. We will continue to offer CME credits to reviewers that provide high-level reviews of multiple manuscripts.

Reviewers are always needed for submitted manuscripts. These individuals are the engine that power the scientific integrity of the Journal. Nothing is more important than the honest, helpful, encouraging, and unbiased assessment of the scientific work that is submitted. I am deeply appreciative of the efforts of so many that voluntarily give their time and expert opinion to others. Often these reviews provide better feedback to authors than many of their co-authors. As a result, the articles are improved, science is advanced and learning flourishes. If you would like to be a reviewer, please send me or any of our Associate Editors a note with a comment including the sections of the Journal that are of greatest interest to you. We will add your name to our database and welcome your input. Reviewers often learn from this activity, and it enhances their skills as both researchers and scientific writers.

2022 holds the promise of continued interest and advancement of Abdominal Radiology. I am very appreciative of our readers and the innumerable individuals that selflessly contribute to the Journal in many different ways. I am wishing you all a happy new year! Please continue to send us your work, help us as a reviewer, and tweet about our articles.