This special edition is dedicated to the young and new professionals in abdominal radiology. In this issue, we bring together the perspectives of the next generation of abdominal radiologists with the intent of stimulating conversation about early career challenges, areas of innovation, and opportunities for collaboration, coaching, and mentorship. Young professionals, many from the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) Resident Fellow Section (RFS) and Early Career Committee (ECC) were invited to share insights in six major topics:

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    Abdominal Radiology Fellowships—Authors review how to choose and optimize the abdominal imaging fellowship, current status of the recruitment process, and prospects of a formal match for abdominal radiology fellowship.

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    Early Career Toolkit—Authors offer advice on how to get involved with the SAR, and how to maintain work-life balance, and how to actively promote diversity in the workplace.

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    RFS/ECC—Authors review how young professionals can add value to the professional society, and understand the framework for getting involved.

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    Mentorship—Authors review the importance of peer-to-peer mentorship and coaching, how to find the right mentor, and share insights and wisdom from experienced radiologists.

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    Novel Education Tools—Authors review one form of implementing a peer learning program in abdominal radiology and tools necessary for execution. In addition, they discuss available technology to promote more interactive ways of learning using DICOM data and free online resources.

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    Role of Social Media—Authors outline how to (and how not to) properly leverage our internet presence for professional development and research.

We would like to thank all of the authors for their valuable contributions and Dr. C. Daniel Johnson, editor-in-chief, for the opportunity to bring together this vibrant group.