Imaging of prostate cancer is more than ever a hot topic. Just in the first 6 months of 2020, 165 peer-review articles were published and indexed in PubMed. Understandably, it is very difficult for any of us to keep up with the breadth of new information. The Prostate Cancer Update Special Issue was assembled to summarize and provide a comprehensive review of the current status of prostate cancer imaging. One will find topics of interest to those who are first venturing in the field and experts alike. Articles will discuss everything from the diagnosis and local staging of prostate cancer to the detection of metastatic disease. The Round Table Series should elicit further debate on the pros and cons of both bi- and multiparametric MRI of the prostate. Education, MR safety, disparities, policy, and quality assurance are some of the other topics found in this issue. In addition to these reviews, several articles describe the results of original research in the field.

This issue would not exist if it was not for the time and effort of several colleagues who contributed to it. I would like to thank each and every one of them. I also would like to thank Dr. Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of Abdominal Radiology, for placing his trust and confidence in me. I learned a lot during the makings of this incredible project and enjoyed reading each of its manuscripts; it is my hope you will find them as valuable and informative as I did.


Antonio C. Westphalen, MD PhD FSAR.