Correction to: Microbial Ecology

The EMBL ENA Accession number for one of our datasets is wrongly listed in the published article. It should be listed as PRJEB68298 in Material and Methods and Data Availability Sections.

The corrected parts of the manuscript are:

Bioinformatics and Statistics

Sequencing data is available at EMBL ENA at accessions PRJEB62752 and PRJEB68298 for 16S rRNA gene, PRJEB62762 for ITS2 region sequences, and from Kanjer et al. [28] PRJEB51458.

Data Availability

Sequencing data with non-biological sequences removed is available at EMBL ENA at accessions PRJEB62752 and PRJEB68298 for 16S rRNA gene and PRJEB62762 for ITS2 region sequences.