Correction to: Eur J Plast Surg 41(2): 207–216

The original version of this article contained a mistake in the section Development of total score for the assessment tool. The text "To calculate a total score for the developed instrument, a previously published formula was used [12, 13]: cutoff time (seconds) − completion time (seconds) − (10 × sum of errors). As nine different variables were evaluated, a maximum of nine errors could be committed. The calculated time was the total time used for both exercises (completion time simple suture + completion time continuous suture)." should have been "To calculate a total score for the developed instrument, a modification of a previously published formula was used [12, 13]: cutoff time (min) − completion time (min) + (8 − sum of errors). As eight different variables were evaluated, a maximum of eight errors could be committed. The calculated time was the total time used for both exercises (completion time simple suture + completion time continuous suture)."