The New Year brings significant changes to JMBi. First, I have taken the helm, succeeding Dr. Tom Woolf, to become the third Editor-in-Chief in the journal’s history. In keeping with tradition, Tom will now be listed as Editor Emeritus on the masthead, in recognition of his years of service to the journal.

Second, the journal has been re-structured to better reflect the scope of the field and the broadened areas we want to represent in the papers we publish. At launch, we have four new sections: Cell Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology & Engineering, and Membranes in Disease, each one is being shaped by a newly appointed Section Head whose ideas and vision will build each section—and the journal—into an important place to publish.

Respectively, the section heads are Diane Lidke, University of New Mexico; Sandro Keller, TU Kaiserslautern; Stavroula Sofou, Rutgers University; and Amithaba Chattopadhyay, Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India. The Section Heads own Editorials follow, wherein each explains his or her vision for each section.

Part of this vision includes a re-configuring of the traditional Editorial Board structure. Each Section Head will be bringing new Associate Editors on board, to intensify the focus on each section’s topic and to help handle submissions in a timely way.

More changes to come—click here to visit and bookmark our website to keep up with what’s new, to browse new issues, to subscribe to our Tables of Contents alerts and more! (And how do you like that new cover?)

Together with the excellent Section Editors, I am confident that we will provide an outstanding service for the community and build JMBi into an important place to publish. We look forward to hearing from you and will be honored to be the journal you consider for your next paper.