Dear Reviewers, thank you for all your efforts over the past 12 months!

In 2018, the number of manuscripts submitted to the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology has increased to about 800. Unbiased evaluation of the quality of submissions would be impossible without you, providing your expertise to read, assess and comment on each manuscript. You did so in the best interest of authors, of the scientific community, and of the Journal. Beyond assessment, your comments have often contributed to substantial improvement of manuscripts to make them publishable. In this way, you have even donated your knowledge to support your very own competitors.

Our editorial team is well aware that making time available for carrying out this important task is becoming increasingly difficult, as along with the increasing number of submissions, the number of other types of evaluations, of grant applications, and the general workload continues to increase for all of you. We also hope that you don’t find it too frustrating if your recommendations are overruled by one of the Managing Editors – but occasionally, reviews are conflicting, and it is not always possible to make a decision to which all involved parties would agree. For all these reasons, we appreciate your efforts and your support very much, and would like to thank you wholeheartedly for this help.

Unfortunately, this year we are unable to publish the names of individual reviewers, because the new European data protection rules came into effect and personal data must not be disclosed. For those reviewers who want to have their work acknowledged with a Reviewer Certificate of Recognition, please get in touch with the Coordinating Editor, Rune Dahlqvist, at (

We are looking forward to continue this successful collaboration with you – beyond being thankful, it is a mere pleasure to see all of the brilliant peers at work!

Rune Dahlqvist & the Editorial team