The ghost shrimp Neotrypaea californiensis is imported into southern California from Oregon and Washington for use as live bait in recreational marine fisheries. We studied the population genetic structure of N. californiensis across much its range to assess the possibility that the transport of ghost shrimp across phylogeographic boundaries poses a risk of homogenizing existing genetic variation in the species. Analyses of two mitochondrial DNA markers showed little phylogeographic structure across the sampled range, suggesting that this risk is low. Unexpectedly, mitochondrial DNA analyses revealed that a second putative species of ghost shrimp frequently coexisted with N. californiensis in southern California intertidal habitats; almost all previous studies of soft-sediment communities in the region report the presence of N. californiensis only. We also assessed the possibility that the import of ghost shrimp might pose a risk of introduction of a parasitic castrator, the bopyrid isopod Ione cornuta, into southern California waters, where it does not appear to be native. Prevalence of living I. cornuta in samples purchased from bait shops was high (5.8%), suggesting that this is a real risk that merits further study.
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We thank S. Anderson, R. Emlet, S. Fork, C. Gramlich, A. Hart, R. Hechinger, M. Jacobs, A. Krajewski, A. Kuris, F. Oyarzun, B. Passarelli, P. Reynolds, L. Rogers-Bennett, K. Wasson, and staff of the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (K. Darrow, B. Higgins, M. Schaadt, and C. Webber) for assistance in collecting ghost shrimp. D. Wang assisted with preliminary surveys of parasites on ghost shrimp. J. Brusslan, A. Christensen, J. Dillon, and S. Malcomber provided advice or equipment useful in obtaining DNA sequences, and J. Zardus advised on analyses. Three anonymous reviewers provided useful comments on the manuscript. This publication was prepared by the authors under NOAA Grant #NA04OAR4170038, California Sea Grant College Program Project #R/FISH-204 (awarded to BP and JA), through NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program, U.S. Department of Commerce. Additional support was provided by the Department of Biological Sciences and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at CSULB, a Women in Philanthropy Undergraduate Scholarship (to AL), and a Provost’s Student Summer Stipend Award (to AD). The statements, findings, conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of California Sea Grant or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
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Pernet, B., Deconinck, A., Llaban, A. et al. Evaluating risks associated with transport of the ghost shrimp Neotrypaea californiensis as live bait. Mar Biol 153, 1127–1140 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-007-0884-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-007-0884-9