Correction to: Psychopharmacology

The authors have noted an error in Fig. 1B and Fig. 1C. The Coc-SA schematics for Exp 2 and Exp 3 should read 2-h, 2x/day, as per the accompanying figure legend.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic of behavioral experiments. All experiments (EXP) included cocaine self-administration training (Coc-SA), extinction training (EXT), and a cocaine-seeking test (TEST). (a) EXP 1: Both adolescent (P44) and adult (P74) rats underwent non-abbreviated (Non-ABRV) Coc-SA in Context A (2-h sessions, 1×/day over 10 days, minimum of 10 sessions) followed by EXT in Context B (1-h sessions, 1×/day over 8 days, minimum of 8 sessions). The 1-h TEST occurred in the previous cocaine-paired context (Coc-Pair) when both groups were in adulthood. (b) EXP 2: Both adolescent and adult rats were used for abbreviated (ABRV) Coc-SA (2-h sessions, 2×/day over 5 days, minimum of 10 sessions) and EXT (1-h sessions, 4×/day over 2 days, minimum of 8 sessions). The 1-h TEST occurred in the Coc-Pair context during either late adolescence (P51) or adulthood (P81). (c) For EXP 3, adolescent rats went through all phases of the ABRV paradigm, similar to EXP 2, with the exception that groups received 1-h TEST in either the Coc-Pair or a novel unpaired (Nov-Unpair) Context C

Please see below corrected figure 1: