In this paper, we study the zero relaxation time limits to a one dimensional hydrodynamic model of two carrier types for semiconductors. First, we introduce the flux approximation coupled with the classical viscosity method to obtain the uniform \(L_{loc}^{p}, p \ge 1, \) bound of the approximation solutions \( \rho _{i}^{ \varepsilon ,\delta } \) and other estimates of \( (u_{i}^{ \varepsilon ,\delta }, E^{ \varepsilon ,\delta })\) with the help of the high energy estimates (Jungel and Peng Comm Partial Differ Equ 58:1007–1033, 1999). Then, we apply the compensated compactness method coupled with the scaled variables technique (Marcati and Natalini Arch Ration Mech Anal 129:129–145, 1995) to prove the zero-relaxation-time limits with arbitrarily large initial data, and arbitrary adiabatic exponents \( \gamma _{i} > 1\).
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The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. The third author (Y. Lu) is supported by the NSFC grant No. LY20A010023, a Qianjiang professorship of Zhejiang Province of China and a Humboldt renewed research fellowship of Germany, who is very grateful to the colleagues in University of Wuerzburg for their warm hospitality.
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Hu, Yb., Klingenberg, C. & Lu, Yg. Zero relaxation time limits to a hydrodynamic model of two carrier types for semiconductors. Math. Ann. 382, 1031–1046 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-020-02071-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-020-02071-9