This article introduces an algorithm that determines the thermodynamic conditions behind incident and reflected shocks in aerosol-laden flows. Importantly, the algorithm accounts for the effects of droplet evaporation on post-shock properties. Additionally, this article describes an algorithm for resolving the effects of multiple-component-fuel droplets. This article presents the solution methodology and compares the results to those of another similar shock calculator. It also provides examples to show the impact of droplets on post-shock properties and the impact that multi-component fuel droplets have on shock experimental parameters. Finally, this paper presents a detailed uncertainty analysis of this algorithm’s calculations given typical experimental uncertainties.
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This work was supported by the Army Research Office with Dr. Ralph Anthenien as contract monitor. M.F.C. is supported by the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Also, during a portion of this work, M.F.C. was supported by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, 32 CFR 168a. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
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Communicated by O. Igra and A. Higgins.
Appendix 1: Derivation of select equations
Appendix 1: Derivation of select equations
1.1 1.1 Derivation of equation (20)
The total number of moles in the gas phase following evaporation \(N_{2,\mathrm{g}}\) is equal to the number of moles of carrier gas (the carrier gas consists of bath gas plus fuel vapor) in Region 1 \(N_\mathrm{1,g}\) plus the number of moles in the droplets in Region 1 \(N_{1,\mathrm{d}}\):
For Region 1, the number of moles of bath gas (non-fuel vapor components) in Region 1 \(N_\mathrm{1,bath}\) can be obtained using the total number of moles of carrier gas in Region 1 and the mole fraction of bath gas in Region 1 \(x_\mathrm{1,bath}\):
The same can be accomplished for Region 2:
Also, mass is conserved in the bath gas components between Regions 1 and 2:
Equations (35)–(38) can be combined and rearranged, yielding
Finally, the ratio \(\frac{N_{1,\mathrm{d}}}{N_\mathrm{1,g}}\) can be isolated to achieve the desired result:
1.2 1.2 Derivation of equation (21)
The mole fraction of bath gas component i in Region 2 following complete evaporation is given by the molar ratio
Mass conservation of bath gas components across Regions 1 and 2 gives
and hence
The following equation relates the number of moles of the i th bath gas component \(N_{1,\mathrm{bath},{i}}\) to that component’s mole fraction \(x_{1,\mathrm{bath},{i}}\):
This can be used in (42), together with (35), to write
Finally, rearranging yields
1.3 1.3 Derivation of equation (22)
The gas-phase mole fraction of fuel in Region 2 following complete evaporation is equal to the molar ratio
Mass conservation for the fuel molecules dictates that the total number of moles of fully evaporated fuel in Region 2 \(N_\mathrm{2,fuel}\) is the sum of the moles of fuel vapor \(N_\mathrm{1,fuel,vap}\) in Region 1 and the moles of droplets \(N_{1,\mathrm{d}}\) in Region 1:
Combining (35) and (46) in Equation (45) produces
The quantity \(N_\mathrm{1,fuel,vap}\) can be rewritten as
Finally, rearranging gives
1.4 1.4 Derivation of equation (31)
Since absorbance values are additive, the total Region 2 absorbance value \(\alpha _2\) for a mixture of absorbing fuels [see also (11)] is given by
Also, the total absorbance, computed using the total fuel concentration \(n_\mathrm{2,fuel}\) and an average cross section \(\sigma _\mathrm{2,fuel,avg}\) can be defined by
Equating (50) and (51) and canceling the path length L gives
The concentration of fuel component j can be written
and likewise \(n_\mathrm{2,fuel}\) can be written
where \(n_{2,\mathrm{total}}\) is the total gas-phase molar concentration following complete evaporation. Substituting these relations into (52) and canceling \(n_{2,\mathrm{total}}\) gives
Finally, solving for \(\sigma _\mathrm{2,fuel,avg}\) yields
1.5 1.5 Derivation of equation (32)
The gas-phase mole fraction of fuel component j in Region 2 following complete evaporation is equal to the molar ratio
Mass conservation for the fuel component j dictates that the total number of moles of fully evaporated component j in Region 2 \(N_{\mathrm{2,fuel},j}\) is the sum of the moles of fuel component j vapor \(N_{\mathrm{1,fuel,vap},j}\) in Region 1 and the moles of component j in the droplets \(N_{1,{\mathrm{d},j}}\) in Region 1:
Using (57) and also (35) in (56) produces
The quantity \(N_{\mathrm{1,fuel,vap},j}\) can be rewritten as
Also, recalling that y represents liquid mole fractions, the number of moles of fuel component j in the drops can be written
Equations (59) and (60) can be used to simplify (58), yielding
Assuming that the mole fractions of the fuel components in the droplets are equivalent to those prepared by the supplier (i.e., \(y_{\mathrm{fuel,droplet},j} = y_{\mathrm{fuel,supplier},j}\), as discussed in Sect. 8.5) allows further simplification:
Finally, rearranging produces
1.6 1.6 Derivation of equation (33)
Consider a volume of aerosol in Region 1 that contains \(N_\mathrm{total}\) moles in the gas and liquid phases. \(N_\mathrm{total}\) can be computed from the sum of the number of moles of gas in that volume \(N_\mathrm{1,g}\) and the number of moles comprising the droplets in that volume \(N_{1,\mathrm{d}}\):
Prior to evaporation, the fraction of moles in the liquid phase within this volume is given by \(C_\mathrm{m}\)
such that \(N_{1,\mathrm{d}}\) can be expressed as
Following evaporation at the end of Region 2, all droplets are in the gas phase; thus
Also, the number of moles of fuel in the gas phase following evaporation \(N_\mathrm{2,fuel}\) is
The fraction of fuel loading attributable to the droplets is equal to
Finally, substituting (64)–(66) into (67) and canceling \(N_\mathrm{total}\) yields
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Campbell, M.F., Haylett, D.R., Davidson, D.F. et al. AEROFROSH: a shock condition calculator for multi-component fuel aerosol-laden flows. Shock Waves 26, 429–447 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-015-0582-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-015-0582-3