Correction to: Journal of Evolutionary Economics

The original version of this paper unfortunately contained an error.

In this section:

4.1 Simulation analysis, the correct sentence should be the below.

In the simulation program4, written by Fischer (2021) (Fischer, Julian 2021. Evolutionary Finance Model in Python. Bachelor Thesis at the Department of Physics, University of Zurich), several investment strategies are implemented.

In this paper we compare the evolution of wealth of the following strategies: A strategy generated from mean–variance analysis, the naive diversification rule fixing equal weights in the portfolio, the max Sharpe ratio strategy, the buy and hold strategy, the momentum strategy, noise traders, the expected relative dividend strategy λ ∗ , the adaptive relative dividend strategy and the relative dividend yield strategy, each of which are describe below. In order to initialize the program, the equally weighted strategy was chosen. It serves as a base, whereas all the others can be enabled separately.

The description of these strategies is taken from Fischer (2021).

The original version of this article is corrected.