Technological complementarity is argued to be a crucial element for effective R&D collaboration. The real structure is, however, still largely unknown. Based on the argument that organizations’ knowledge resources must fit for enabling collective learning and innovation, we use the co-occurrence of firms in collaborative R&D projects in Germany to assess inter-sectoral technological complementarity between 129 sectors. The results are mapped as complementarity space for the Germany economy. The space and its dynamics from 1990 to 2011 are analyzed by means of social network analysis. The results illustrate sectors being complements both from a dyadic and portfolio/network perspective. This latter is important, as complementarities may only become fully effective when integrated in a complete set of different knowledge resources from multiple sectors. The dynamic perspective moreover reveals the shifting demand for knowledge resources among sectors at different time periods.
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Strategic alliances can take different forms such as joint ventures, franchising, licensing contracts, collaborative R&D efforts or trade agreements (Lavie, 2006). Central to our analysis are collaborative R&D efforts.
Resource complementarity matters at different stages of the value chain. While the present paper focuses on resource complementarity in R&D, for instance, Chung et al. (2000) measure complementarity by investment banks’ differences in locational (co-location) and sector strengths (shared clients). Wassmer and Dussauge (2012) define resource complementarity in terms of increases in served city pair markets when different airlines enter an alliance. Lin et al. (2009) use the standard industrial classification (SIC) system to define complementarity, which is given when alliance partners do not share the same four-digit SIC code. Wang and Zajac (2007) study complementary production processes by using co-occurrences of four digit NAICS codes at the firm level.
Another form of resource combinations can be seen in the pooling of unrelated resources. This bears potential for most radical innovations. However, because of lacking absorptive capacity between collaboration partners, innovations in this case are much more unlikely in comparison to combinations based upon complementary resources (Boschma and Iammarino, 2009; Makri et al., 2010).
This is not to say that knowledge flows are restricted to R&D. Technology diffusion comes along disembodied and product-embodied paths. Disembodied diffusion refers to the transmission of ideas and knowledge and can be studied by collaborative R&D or patent-citation matrices (Nomaler and Verspagen, 2008). Product-embodied diffusion highlights purchased goods as carriers of technology flows. Given this, Sakurai et al. (1997) found evidence that ICT plays a major role in the generation and acquisition of new technologies. Papaconstantinou et al. (1998) highlight the idea that innovations are developed mainly in clusters of R&D intensive manufacturing industries with service sectors being the main users of technologically sophisticated machinery and equipment. Both aspects will also receive further attention in this paper.
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Broekel, T., Brachert, M. The structure and evolution of inter-sectoral technological complementarity in R&D in Germany from 1990 to 2011. J Evol Econ 25, 755–785 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-015-0415-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-015-0415-7