Prosperity and economic growth require robust specialization and exchange. This means the formation and maintenance of numerous complex supply chains. These are emergent and include supply chains for things and supply chains for ideas. The former involve transactions; the latter can be via transactions and/or realized positive externalities. All supply chains have a geographic dimension which is also emergent. Firms carefully choose what to make vs what to buy and also where to sell or buy it, near or far. The whole system tends to be a pattern of locations that denote realized transactions (and transactions costs) as well as realized externalities. The city remains a competitive producer if these relationships are encouraged with the attendant costs contained. Cities are “engines of growth.” They offer attractive supply chain formation and management opportunities, including the various spatially situated supply chains for things and ideas. The latter are more complex than textbook discussions of non-rival goods suggest. People are keen to identify and acquire useful knowledge. Consider (1) the advantages of open-source knowledge sharing have been acknowledged; (2) ideas often denote complex tacit knowledge exchange, and (3) access to useful knowledge is priced in land markets and impacts location choice. Favorable networking and location opportunities are significant. Flexible land markets facilitate the availability of such opportunities. Access to pools of human capital is clearly beneficial, but the ability to tailor access to the peculiar requirements of the firm is even better. Detailed firm location data for various sectors for the Los Angeles metropolitan areas are analyzed to support our claims. We estimate Ripley k-functions and note differences by industry as well as firm size. There is agglomeration that is near as well as far. This finding complicates “death of distance” as well as “clustering” discussions.
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“Sustainable economic growth” is palpable and distinct from the widely cited but vague “sustainability.”
Johansson and Quigley (2004) note that networks are akin to a club with insiders and outsiders, while agglomeration refers to situations where exclusion is difficult. Their paper develops differences and similarities. They also note that significant co-location denotes agglomeration, but many new networking options may accomplish as much but over a larger space. “We have seen that agglomeration economies and network economies are two different complementary ways of solving problems of market exchange” (p. 10). But supply chains, especially involving ideas, may or may not involve transactions.
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Jasanoff (2018) reminds us that it is best to consider “the continuum that unites the brain with its surroundings.” (p. 90). He explains that the brain cannot be separated from all else that goes on in the body. “Nowhere is the integration of brain and body more apparent than in the domain of our emotions.” (p. 98). “… the brain is an essential link in the causal chain that binds our internal biology to the environment around us; it is the great communicator that relays signals from the outside world into each person an back out again.” (p. 144).
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Some writers cite the underlying “chains of promises.” Ridley (2010) chose to be clearer, “I believe that at some point in human history, ideas began to meet and mate, to have sex with each other.” Random combinations of genes and ideas followed by competition and selection.
“Networks are yet another IQ multiplier” (Jones 2015, p. 148).
Choosing places to meet is increasingly important and even modeled. See, for example, Tilahun and Levinson (2009).
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Not long ago, some writers suggested the “death of distance” (Cairncross 2001). “Will improvements in information technology eliminate face-to-face interactions and make cities obsolete?” (Gaspar and Glaeser 1996, who cite many other such prognostications; they also note that the introduction of telephony did not interrupt the path of urbanization).
See, for example, Gordon and Ikeda (2011) who question the value of the simple question.
A large empirical literature supports this point. See, for example, Pollakowski and Wachter (1990).
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The authors wish to thank two anonymous referees and Dr. Sungbin Cho of the Southern California Association of Governments for valuable comments.
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Gordon, P., Cho, J. Agglomeration near and far, the case of Southern California: supply chains for goods and ideas. Ann Reg Sci 61, 517–552 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-018-0881-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-018-0881-6