In original publication the following errors identified:

(1) In page 7 line 3, the symbol ˙∪ is set as “∪ with P inside”, It should be \({\dot{\cup}}\).

(2) In line 9 of the Proof of Lemma 4.4, as above, the symbol ˙∪ is set as “∪ with P inside”, It should be \({\dot{\cup}}\).

(3) In the Proof of Theorem 4.7, on page 17, line 7, as above, the symbol ˙∪ is set as “∪ with P inside”, It should be \({\dot{\cup}}\).

(4) In the Proof of Lemma 4.4 in line 6(“a full condition (see Lemma 4.3). and…”), the pull stop should be replaced with “,”.

(5) In the proof of Lemma 4.5(3), the math display formula is wrong. It should be

$$A^{\prime}:=\bigcap\limits_{\beta\in{\text{dom}}(f_{\alpha}^{p^{\prime}})}( a_\beta\cup f_{\alpha}^{p^{\prime}}(\beta))\setminus |s_{\alpha}^{p^{\prime}}| \subseteq \bigcap\limits_{\beta\in{\text{dom}}(f_{\alpha}^{p})}( a_\beta\cup f_{\alpha}^{p}(\beta))\setminus |s_{\alpha}^{p}|=:A.$$

(6) In Theorem 2.6, in the math display formula: A space between “B” and “is” should be be added.

(7) In Theorem 2.6, in the math display formula: the quotation marks at the end should be to be changed from ′′ to ”.

(8) In the References: In the entry [6] the text Albert-áLudwigs“´should be “Ludwigs”.

(9) In the References: In the entry [7], the text “sequences in βN/N” should read as “\(\beta N\backslash N\)”.

The original article has been corrected of the same.