Milan, 6:00 am.

I check the patient, the blood gases, the drainages, the balance.

Everything is automatic.

I stop

I look outside

through a chink between the monitor and the infusions.

It is dawn.

Dawn in intensive care unit is a symbol,

a sign that things can change.

It is a shift that ends

for others it begins.

The light of dawn takes away darkness and pain,

the faces hidden behind masks.

Hope comes.

It is the awakening from sedation,

it is breathing again.

Dawn in intensive care unit is emotion.

They are the tired eyes of those who worked all night

for a patient who sometimes does not make it.

It is the weariness and sleeplessness

through the night for a family waiting for the news.

It is the sorrow when that family is yours.

People meet

hands touch

tears flow

phones ring

people run

while outside for a moment everything stops.

Milan, 6:10 am.

Dawn in intensive care unit is many things

it is up to us to choose which.

figure a