Although pronounced heterosis in inter-subspecific hybrids was known in rice for a long time, its utilization for hybrid rice breeding has been limited due to their hybrid sterility (HS). For the last two decades, however, a few inter-subspecific hybrids have been developed by incorporating wide-compatibility genes (WCG) that resolve HS, into parental lines of these inter-subspecific hybrids. For effective use of WCG, it is necessary to find convenient markers linked to WCG of practical importance. In this paper, initially a set of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in the vicinity of known WCG loci identified based on comparative linkage maps have been surveyed in a population derived from the three-way cross- IR36/Dular//Akihikari, where a known donor of WCG Dular was crossed to a representative indica and japonica cultivar. Of the five parental polymorphic markers, RM253 and RM276 were found to be closely linked to the WCG locus S5 at a distance of 3.0 and 2.8 cM, respectively. Later, loci for HS were examined in three F2 populations derived from inter-subspecific crosses, with same set of SSR markers. The locus S8 was confirmed to have major influence on HS in the F2 population derived from CHMRF-1/Taichung65 since two SSR markers in its vicinity, RM412 and RM141, co-segregated with HS at a map distance of 7.6 and 4.8 cM, respectively. In the F2 population derived from the cross BPT5204/Taipei309, three SSR markers in the vicinity of S5, RM50, RM276 and RM136 co-segregated with HS at a map distance of 4.2, 3.2 and 7.8 cM, respectively. In the third F2 population derived from Swarna/Taipei309, the SSR markers in the vicinity of S5, RM225, RM253, RM50, RM276 and RM136 were identified to co-segregate with HS at a map distance of 3.2, 2.6, 3.4, 2.6 and 6.6 cM, respectively. These results indicated a clear picture of WCG in Dular as well as the predominant role of HS alleles at S5 locus. The identified SSR markers are expected to be used for incorporation of WCG into parental lines in hybrid rice breeding to solve HS in inter-subspecific hybrids.
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The authors profusely thank Dr. B. Mishra, Project Director, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad for the kind help and assistance received and research facilities extended to pursue the present study.
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S.P. Singh , R.M. Sundaram contributed equally
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Singh, S.P., Sundaram, R.M., Biradar, S.K. et al. Identification of simple sequence repeat markers for utilizing wide-compatibility genes in inter-subspecific hybrids in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet 113, 509–517 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-006-0316-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-006-0316-0