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Genetic variations of AA genome Oryza species measured by MITE-AFLP

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Theoretical and Applied Genetics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


MITEs (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) are the major transposable elements in Oryza species. We have applied the MITE-AFLP technique to study the genetic variation and species relationship in the AA-genome Oryza species. High polymorphism was detected within and between species. The genetic variation in the cultivated species, Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima, was comparatively lower than in their ancestral wild species. In comparison between geographical lineages of the AA genome species, African taxa, O. glaberrima and Oryza barthii, showed lower variation than the Asian taxa, O. sativa, Oryza rufipogon, and Oryza nivara, and Australian taxon Oryza meridionalis. However, another African taxon, Oryza longistaminata, showed high genetic variation. Species relationships were analyzed by the pattern of presence or absence of homologous fragments, because nucleotide sequences of the detected MITE-AFLP fragments revealed that the same fragments in different species shared very high sequence homology. The clustering pattern of the AA-genome species matched well with the geographical origins (Asian, African and Australian), and with the Australian taxon being distant to the others. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the MITE-AFLP technique is amenable for studying the genetic variation and species relationship in rice.

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We thank the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, for funding this research through the Crop Functional Genomics Center (Project Number CG3122). Thanks are also extended to Dr. K.K. Jena for critical reading of the manuscript.

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Park, K.C., Kim, N.H., Cho, Y.S. et al. Genetic variations of AA genome Oryza species measured by MITE-AFLP. Theor Appl Genet 107, 203–209 (2003).

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