The German biologist August Weismann (1834–1914) proposed that amphimixis (sexual reproduction) creates variability for natural selection to act upon, and hence he became one of the founders of the Neo-Darwinian theory of biological evolution. He is perhaps best known for what is called “Weismann’s Doctrine” or “Weismann’s Barrier” (i.e. the irreversible separation of somatic and germ cell functionalities early during ontogeny in multicellular organisms). This concept provided an unassailable argument against “soft inheritance” sensu Lamarck and informed subsequent theorists that the only “individual” in the context of evolution is the mature, reproductive organism. Herein, we review representative model organisms whose embryology conforms to Weismann’s Doctrine (e.g. flies and mammals) and those that do not (e.g. freshwater hydroids and plants) based on this survey and the Five Kingdoms of Life scheme; we point out that most species (notably bacteria, fungi, protists and plants) are “non-Weismannian” in ways that make a canonical definition of the “individual” problematic if not impossible. We also review critical life history functional traits that allow us to create a matrix of all theoretically conceivable life cycles (for eukaryotic algae, embryophytes, fungi and animals), which permits us to establish where this scheme Weismann’s Doctrine holds true and where it does not. In addition, we argue that bacteria, the dominant organisms of the biosphere, exist in super-cellular biofilms but rarely as single (planktonic) microbes. Our analysis attempts to show that competition among genomic variants in cell lineages played a critical part in the evolution of multicellularity and life cycle diversity. This feature was largely ignored during the formulation of the synthetic theory of biological evolution and its subsequent elaborations.
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We thank the referees for their constructive and insightful comments, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany; AvH-Fellowship 2012 to U.K., Stanford, California, USA) and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University (to K. J. N.) for financial support. We dedicate this paper to Prof. Leo Buss (Yale University) whose publications are essential reading for anyone interested in Weismann’s Doctrine and the evolution of individuality, particularly Buss (1983, 1987).
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Niklas, K.J., Kutschera, U. Amphimixis and the individual in evolving populations: does Weismann’s Doctrine apply to all, most or a few organisms?. Naturwissenschaften 101, 357–372 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00114-014-1164-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00114-014-1164-4