Land abandonment and intensification of management have been suggested as major drivers of biodiversity change in subalpine and alpine grasslands, but the relative importance of these concomitant trends has not been extensively studied. Here, we use plant indicator values to infer patterns of change in the management intensity of summer pastures. Occurrence data of vascular plants from 192 plots surveyed in the Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring BDM programme were used to analyse changes in five species-based indicator values that express the management intensity of sites. Each plot was surveyed twice between 2002 and 2011 with a time span of 5 years between surveys. We looked for an overall trend in management intensity and examined whether a supposed change of management intensity depends on site conditions. In addition, we tested whether a change in indicator values for management intensity accompanies a change in species richness. Over the whole study area, there was no overall change in mean indicator values. However, we found weak but significant relations between changes in mean indicator values and accessibility of the sites. According to plant indicator values, intensification of management takes place at well-accessible and lower-elevation sites, whereas remote sites and sites at higher elevation tend to show a decrease in management intensity. Sites where indicators suggested intensified management showed a decrease of both total species richness and richness of target species relevant for conservation. On the other hand, a supposed decrease in land-use intensity led to an increase in species richness within the surveyed time period. This study confirms that moderate management intensity of summer pastures will best maintain the plant diversity of alpine summer pastures. Because the surveyed plots stem from a rigorously standardized regular-grid sampling, we attribute high reliability and generality to our findings.
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The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) kindly provided the BDM data, the topographic data of the BDM plots and funding to do the analyses. We are grateful to the BDM botanist team for their high quality field work. We thank Markus Fischer, Gabriela Hofer, Manuel Schneider, Gabrielle Volkart and Lukas Kohli for discussions and helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. Special thanks go to Tobias Roth for statistical advice and reviewing. Three anonymous reviewers gave valuable comments to the manuscript.
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Strebel, N., Bühler, C. Recent shifts in plant species suggest opposing land-use changes in alpine pastures. Alp Botany 125, 1–9 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00035-015-0145-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00035-015-0145-3