1 Correction to: Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00030-020-00661-9

During the typesetting process, some misprints have been introduced in the original publication of the article.

In Section 3, Lemma 3.4, last line, the range “\(3/2> s>1/2\)” should be “\(3/2\ge s>1/2\)”.

On page 17, the fourth line, the factor “n” at the right hand side of the inequality should have been “\(1+n\)”.

On page 19, line 20, there should be only one minus sign “−”.

On page 29, line 9, “G” should be “\(G_{\mathbb T}\)”.

The original article has been corrected.