Decision-making and choosing is not always easy. Thus, indecisiveness seems to be a widespread phenomenon. However, the scientific literature on indecisiveness is rather limited. Indeed, even a clear definition of indecisiveness is lacking, let alone a model in which various indecisiveness-related concepts are integrated. The present article aims at developing an indecisiveness model. Within this model, indecisiveness refers to the experience of decision problems (i.e., lack of information, valuation difficulty, and outcome uncertainty) resulting in overt choice-related behaviours such as delay, tunnel vision, and post-decision dysfunctional behaviour (e.g., worry). Existing knowledge is discussed within the context of this model, and it is argued that the model may serve as a guideline for future research on indecisiveness. (Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 63, 2-13.)
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Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Correspondence to: Eric Rassin, Faculty of Social Sciences (Institute of Psychology), Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, NL 3000 DR Rotterdam. E-mail:
Submitted 1 June 2006; accepted 9 October 2006.
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Rassin, E. A psychological theory of indecisiveness. NEJP 63, 1–11 (2007).
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