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Platinum, Lead and Cerium Concentrations of Street Particulate Matter (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

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Road dust samples were collected in and around various traffic areas in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and analyzed in terms of their chemical composition using ICP-MS, AV, XPS, TXRF and GF-AAS methods. Platinum (Pt), lead (Pb) and cerium (Ce) were the focus of analysis. Street particulate matter or dust is primarily composed of quartz, clay minerals, soot and organic substances and, through its transport by wind and precipitation, is a precursor for sediments and soils. Particle sizes are variable with the largest having a maximum diameter in the range of 10 to 25 µm. Sample locations included the A5/A67 Autobahn (i.e. highway), various inner city streets, two tunnels and three indoor car parks.

The average Pt concentrations in the samples ranged from highest to lowest in the following order: Autobahn, inner city streets, indoor car parks and tunnels. Pb concentrations were found to display a similar trend. Ce concentrations, in contrast, exhibited a different pattern with the highest amounts being found in samples collected from the inner city.

Pt concentrations in road dust appear to be positively related to both traffic density and speed of travel. Elevated Pt concentrations in particulate matter samples collected in indoor car parks, however, suggest that platinum metals can also be emitted at low speeds. The height at which samples are collected can also strongly influence the concentrations found. Specifically, samples taken at a height of <1.5 m generally display the highest concentrations. Surface particle analysis using XPS to determine the presence of Pt species could not be conducted for the two tunnel samples as concentrations fell below the detection limit. Our results, however, indicate the presence of elevated atmospheric Pt concentrations.

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Adsorptive voltammetry


Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microscopy


NiS fire-assay


Induced Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry


Raster Electron Microscope


Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence


X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy


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Zereini, F., Wiseman, C., Magnus Beyer, J. et al. Platinum, Lead and Cerium Concentrations of Street Particulate Matter (Frankfurt am Main, Germany). J Soils & Sediments 1, 188–195 (2001).

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