The purpose of this article is to develop a model of life history theory that incorporates environmental influences, contextual influences, and heritable variation. I argue that physically or psychologically stressful environments delay maturation and the onset of reproductive competence. The social context is also important, and here I concentrate on the opportunity for upward social mobility as a contextual influence that results in delaying reproduction and lowering fertility in the interest of increasing investment in children. I also review evidence that variation in life history strategies is influenced by genetic variation as well. Finally, I show that cultural shifts in the social control of sexual behavior have had differential effects on individuals predisposed to high- versus low-investment reproductive strategies.
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Kevin MacDonald is professor of psychology at California State University-Long Beach. His research has focused on developing evolutionary perspectives in history and developmental psychology. He has earned a master’s degree in evolutionary biology and a Ph.D. in biobehavioral sciences. After working on behavioral development in wolves, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship researching human parent-child play.
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MacDonald, K. Life history theory and human reproductive behavior. Hum Nat 8, 327–359 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02913038
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02913038