A total of 112 named cultivars and advanced breeding lines were assayed through horizontal starch electrophoresis to test the utility of isozyme loci as a means to objectively identify potato cultivars. Both leaf and tuber tissue were sampled in thirteen enzyme systems. Two buffer systems (Histidine-citrate, pH 5.7 and Lithium-borate, pH 8.3) were used to resolve 16 isozyme loci, of which 14 were scorable without progeny testing. A total of 43 scorable allozymes were detected. All cultivars or advanced breeding lines that were the result of hybridization were discriminated by their sum electrophoretic pattern, whereas, sports (i.e., Russet Burbank vs. Burbank) or line selections (i.e., Norgold Russet “M1” vs. “M2”) have patterns that are identical to the original mother clone. The allelic diversity within and among cultivars indicate that horizontal starch electrophoresis offers an objective means to discriminate sexually-derived potato cultivars.
Se analizaron un total de 112 cultivares y selecciones avanzadas a través de electroforesis horizontal en almidón para probar la utilidad de loci de isoenzimas para la identificación objetiva de cultivares de papa. Se utilizaron dos sistemas buffer (Histidina-citrato, pH 5.7 y Litio-borato, pH 8.3) para separar 16 loci de isoenzimas, de los cuales 14 pudieron ser calificados sin pruebas de progenie. Un total de 43 aloenzimas pudieron ser caracterizadas. Todos los cultivares o selecciones avanzadas productos de hibridación fueron identificados por su patron electroforético aditivo, mientras que los productos de mutación (por ejemplo Russet Burbank vs Burbank), o líneas selectas (por ejemplo Norgold Russet “M1” vs “M2”) mostraron patrones idénticos al clon materno original. La diversidad alélica dentro y entre cultivares indica que la técnica de electroforesis horizontal en almidón es un método objectivo para distinguir cultivares de papa originados sexualmente.
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Douches, D.S., Ludlam, K. Electrophoretic characterization of North American potato cultivars. American Potato Journal 68, 767–780 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02853807
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02853807